World renowned London cigar store

Something for Everyone

Something for Everyone

IT sometimes feels like the cigar industry is moving away from its foundations. Just like oysters – which were once the mainstay of London’s poor, providing cheap, nutritious food on the doorstep and are now the bastion of high-end restaurants – cigars are now seen in many quarters as the ultimate accessory; a benchmark of luxury and success that only the rich can afford to enjoy.

Hold Firm

Hold Firm

PERVERSELY, after coming through what we all have over the last 18 months, now might be the toughest part of all. In the eye of the storm, one has little option but to turn up one’s collar and lean into the wind. As Mr Churchill once said, “If you going through hell – keep going.”

Of All The Gin Joints In All The Towns, In All The World

Of All The Gin Joints In All The Towns, In All The World...

WHAT a time to relaunch a shop, they said. Why not wait until it’s over, they said. You must be mad, they said. It’s not stopped LD. The ‘new’ Sautter cigar lounge is now open – a revamp of sorts for the Sautter store at Knightsbridge which has been closed for most of the lockdown(s).