World renowned London cigar store

Event Horizon

Event Horizon

THERE’S still a great deal of uncertainty, but one thing is for sure – humans are nothing if not resourceful. With the advent of lockdown, the internet really came into its own, didn’t it? Those with shares in Zoom looked like soothsayers and we all gathered around our screens to, as Billy Joel might say, ‘forget about life for a while.’

The World Moves On

The World Moves On

As ever, the human capacity to adapt and press on never fails to amaze. We’ve come a long way in the last few months and no doubt we’ve a way to go yet, but the streets are (very) slowly picking up some life once more and people are getting out and about again, as they have to do if we are to fire up our country’s wheezing economy.

Some Things Just Work…

Some Things Just Work...

Weird how some things just go well together. Like fish and chips, or pie and mash. And sometimes in life, you’re lucky enough to find a place, a pastime – if you’re really, really lucky, a person – who just seems to go together perfectly with you.