Habanos World Days

SO, the annual Havana cigar shenanigans are over for another year, and despite the exorbitant prices of both cigars and tickets for the Gala Dinner in Havana, there appeared to be no shortages of sightseers, well-wishers, glad handers and Instagrammers.
Sautter Cigar Library – Regentes

NICK HAMMOND reports from a glittering launch party for the latest Cuban Limited Edition cab off the rank…
A Night to Remember

The sun didn’t steal the show, but it sure tried its hardest. In a dark corner of the Hyatt Regency Churchill hotel off London’s Portman Square, sat the real star of the evening.
Cigar Pairings

There things that naturally go as well with cigars as fish does with chips or Lennon does with McCartney. Think cigars and Scotch, cigars and Cognac, cigars and coffee, cigars and celebrations. There are also things that may need a bit more shoehorning together, but nonetheless work. Ever tried a Cuban cigar with good vanilla ice cream, for instance? Amazing.